Snow Vikings Studio



In the multiplayer, you choose a character. You will be able to create up to five different characters.

With each character you are able to join a PMC. You can only be the owner / founder of one PMC. So only one of the characters can own one. But the other four can be a part of induvidual companies.


In the MP there is gonna be a lot of gamemodes, also refered to as 'Contract Types'.

There is some smaller contract types, but the main focus would be the the 'Operations'


Operations is this larger, a bit more challenging type of contract.



Contract Types




The Delivery contract is a wide contract type. It's everything from delivering a single crate, to driving and delivering a whole convoy.


Tpes of deliveris


'Delivery Shipment' Is when you are handed a shipment in either small, medium, large or very large in size.

You will have to use your own vehicles to deliver it. And all kind of damage taken on the shipment goes away from your paycheck.


'Delivery Convoy' you will be handed a set amount of vehicles. Each vehicle will have to be driven from point A to B. You will always be driving to hostile areas. This doen't mean you will be attacked 100% of the time, it's just that you are hiered because its dangerous. During the convoy you can bring your own vehicles as well to increase the security around it.





When you have stationed your company in a location, and started to get info and intel from local contacts, you can get the weareabouts on enemies storage location. You can then perform a raid on these.

These are always protected by enemies, the longer you use on them the more they are able to call in reinforcements.


When you perform the raid, you first get a location from your contact. It depends on the contact you got it from and the relationship between the company and him, on how exact it is. Then you start off a bit away from the location with whatever you brought from the planiong phase. You then go in fighting off whoever is protecting it then you manually bring the shipment out again. When you are done you get out of the area.


With this you can gain new weapons, ammuniton and other kind of equipmen.


After you have completed a raid there is a chance that you get ambushed.


The ambush will require you to fight your way through an enemy controled area. If you don't manage to survie this ambush you loose 25-100% of what you got from the raid.





The largest contract types.